Good morning
I'm so much better when I allow myself time. Time to do and be. Not so busy getting life done and not living life. We are in such a hurry to work, pay bills, run errands, that we miss out on the glorious beauty of living. I've been up for 3 hours already. I'm listening now to birds singing to God's glory. Probably thankful that they are alive, and without them giving it a thought their needs are met. They have probably had breakfast already. Ha! And I'm singing you. Marveling in His splendor. I'm alive, I have food, and shelter. I have my right mind. Clear and at peace. I am free. I am saved. I have a job. And I am kept and loved. This is truly the day the Lord has made I am rejoicing and glad in it. God is good and wonderful and amazing and kind.
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