Each Day
At 51 I look around and I'm wondering how I got here with 2 year old twins and a 7 year old. I'm not quite sure how I get things done most days. Except by God's grace. Early rise to steal 15 minutes of time to sit on the commode, read a devotional along with scriptures and a word, sometimes literally a word of prayer. Then I'm off. Showe, babies on the potty, get dressed, downstairs to wake make sure I have Noah's clothes out and to wake him. Back upstairs to see who went pee. First one off the potty, wash her up, 2nd one wash him up. Everybody brushes teeth. Now let's get dressed. All the while soothing and hugging and kissing and "Good morning baby! Mommy's baby! How are you?" Ok everybody dressed and let's get breakfast cooked and lunches prepared. Full breakfast most days, meat, eggs, toast, fruit and juice. Sometimes meat and waffles. Sometimes eggs and meat and toast. But always a full breakfast. As of late they have gotten smoothies too. And then there is lunch, sandwich & fruit or a raw veggie. Cheerios for one snack. And then maybe a cut up orange or dried cereal for another snack. Whew! Pullups, wipes, blankets, extra clothes. My God! My husband asks me how I feel all the time. But I have no idea. I get up and I do what needs to be done without any thought. They need me. Or do they? I have to do all this stuff. Or do I? I often consider going on strike and allowing them to figure it out. Sigh! But could they? Reminds me of a post I saw on
Facebook the other week. The woman was in a coffin, dead we are to suppose. Husband is asking her where his phone is. She gives it to him Then he starts asking all sorts of questions about the children and the house. Things logically one would hope dad/husband would know. But they don't know. Because we do. We know it all and we do it all. But do we really have too?
I'm thankful to be able to do all this most days. Though I'd give my left pinky toe nail for a break from it today. To have someone get up before me and get the house ready. To fix breakfast for me once. It would be nice.
In a perfect world I guess.
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