How do you combat loneliness?

For years of my life it seems that I pined for a relationship, for a mate, for love. Always searching, a lot of times through the wrong avenues. I just wanted to be loved, and to love, and to belong to someone. Through many failed relationships and lots of heartbreak, I discovered my one true love. The one who's love is unfailing. Who loves me unconditionally. No matter what I say do or think He always loves me and wants me. And he just loves me so well. While I think I still desire a mate, a husband to be specific, I don't pine so much anymore. It would be nice. Especially in this season of my life when my nest seems to be emptying. One would hope for a hand to hold and someone to share life with. But if He sees fit not to send Him I've learned to be content with Him. Unfailing unconditional lover that He is. He is always & has always been here. And He promises to never leave me. Ever.What more could I ask in a love.


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