
This is my day! I've been saying this for a few days. As I enjoyed my shower and was reflecting on God. How good He is too me. What He has for me to do. How He speaks to me. How clearly I want to hear Him and hear from Him. I realized how late in the day it is...almost 1pm. 4 grans here. I'm going to get dressed give them lunch and hopefully take them for a walk. But again it is so late in the day. I've washed dished cleaned out the refrigerator and vacuumed and a plethora of other things this morning. So I guess the day isn't a total waste. However I feel like I need to get a handle on this. Get back to order. Early will I seek Thee. Everything has to be needs to be in order. School starts and me. If we don't get this under control our home will be total chaos this fall. Not so says the Lord. So tonight will be an early night. And if God allows me, tomorrow an early day. I will seek Him first thing and He will  establish order. And yes I will let Him. So I guess today has been my day. In cleanliness H has started establishing. I pray now foe balance...Him me children & home ministry and school. Whew! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. On to virtuosity. Making myself busy. 😘


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